Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Social Action, a strange calling, a huge responsibility

So its interesting that God has called me several times to look at what it means to be involved in seeking shalom. I am not exactly sure what he is leading me to do, but it is definitley something serious. I feel like I am being shaped more and more into an "ordinary radical" as Shane Claiborne puts it. To that end, I have an interesting story to share. I went to my first class at Guilford the other day. As I was pulling into the school, there was a truck infront of me with the bed full of drums and a Glennwood sticker on the back. So my curiosity definitely was pricked. I asked the guy what was going on when he got out of the car. He told me he was with a group called Kackalack Thunder. They are a group that does samba style drumming at protests to maintain a high level of energy. I went to the class that they were presenting in and sat in awe as they told story after story of how they drummed for the rights of the oppressed. I wonder though how one handles such responsibility wisely. They said that if they took the next step to move a protest into something more, everyone would follow, even to the point of being arrested. How do you weild such power and decide which issues to fight for, what lines to cross (even literally)? This is yet another tension in values vs. action. The same question arises in my do I decide what to fight for? How do I line up my life with what I believe? How do I develop a peace witness while at the same time standing firm in protecting my family? The Quakers said stay as close to it as possible and let the inner light do the rest. Thank God, I have the Holy Spirit to continue sanctifying me.

New Means to Keep Up with the Guilford Christian Fellowship InterVarsity Chapter

Dear Friends,
I would like to introduce you to a new means that I will be using to keep you all up to date on what is going on with the ministry of InterVarsity at Guilford College's campus (Guilford Christian Fellowship). From time to time I will post updates from the group, and at others I will put musings from my life and experience here as well. Use it to smile, use it to pray, use it to proke you to action. Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and blessings. May God bless you all as well, Ke Akua pu koa!
In Him,